Privacy Policy

A privacy policy is a statement outlining the manner in which you collect personal information and is generally included on a website or mobile app.

A privacy policy is a document which describes how a corporation collects, uses and discloses information through a website or app.

A privacy policy will generally deal with the following matters:

  • definition of personal information and other categories of information that may be applicable
  • the different types of information that are collected and how they are collected
  • how the corporation uses the information collected
  • how the corporation shares information
  • a user’s right to change or access their personal information
  • a notice if the information will be stored outside of the country
  • a provision confirming that although the corporation takes reasonable steps to protect personal information, it is not responsible for any breach
  • there may be a provision confirming that the website is not intended for individuals under a certain age

The structure of a privacy policy is fairly standard, although it should always be customized to the circumstances. For corporations which operate a web or mobile app or which are in certain industries which deal with more sensitive data, such as the health care industry, a more extensive and/or customized privacy may be required.

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